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Towmotor Forklifts Corporation Ohio USA



This page is dedicated to Mr Michael A Mucci who worked for Towmotor Corporation for many years.

In june 2007 I received a very friendly letter from mr Bob Mucci. He send me six very rare and very beautifull pictures of old Towmotors, used for advertising in the 1940ties. The Towmotor operator in all these pictures is his uncle Michael A Mucci who worked as a foreman in the Towmotor factory, in that time at the corner of 152nd street & Woodworth Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio.

On the pics are some of the numerous models that Towmotor built in those days.

Bob Mucci also told me about his father Anthony J. Mucci who worked also for the Towmotor Corporation as a General Foreman, about the company moving to Mentor, Ohio (20 miles East of Cleveland) and last but not least that his uncle Michael 'Mike' is 91 years old and exited to see his pictures on the internet !

(Well, I guess working with Towmotors must be a healthy job)

Special thankt to Mr Bob Mucci who made all this possible!

Juni 2007,
Geert van Dijk
